Detox Beetroot and Kale Juice


Have you ever tried a purely vegetable based juice? Well, this one is a great place to start…

Despite not containing any fruits, this juice has a nice sweet taste thanks to the carrot and beetroot which provide earthy naturally sweet flavours. Beetroot is an acquired taste, but it is definitely worth learning to love! Packed with calcium, iron and vitamins A and C, beetroots are a great source of manganese, potassium and fibre- now, that is a superfood. Beetroots are most known for having healing properties on the liver, however they also have proven effects on lowering blood pressure and helping with digestive issues.

This is a fantastically refreshing drink and I love to make this in the morning- it leaves me with boundless amounts of energy. Plus, a bright pink juice is far more exciting than a green one!

The Recipe


2 large beetroots

1 handful of kale leaves

1 inch of ginger

2 carrots

2 sprigs of mint leaves


Place everything through your juicer, stir and enjoy immediately.


Detoxifying Green Smoothie


Mango and Ginger Smoothie